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A Baptist being baptised. This ceremony is called Believer's Baptism. The person goes completely under the water. |
The Baptist Church does not baptise babies; they believe that a person should be baptised only when they are old enough and mature enough to make the decision to be baptised for themselves and can understand how serious and important a step it is. A Baptist is therefore usually at least twelve years old before the baptism can take place; and he or she must ask for it to happen. Beforehand, Baptists are reminded that Jesus himself was thirty before he was baptised by John the Baptist. Below, a Baptist describes what happened at her baptism: |
" You're baptised in front of everybody. It's your public witness that you want to follow Jesus. The usual way is for a minister to hold your back and your hand. Then, you go backwards into the water. Your feet actually come off the ground. My father, who baptises people, says the problem is getting you under the water because you float! But the person who baptised me had had polio as a teenager. He hadn't got the strength in his arms to be able to baptise in that way. So I was baptised kneeling down and then I went forwards under the water. So there was no fear. I don't think I was as nervous as some people may be. I think that probably helped me to enjoy the feeling more. I was baptised with four friends, which was nice. And you've got your family all around you, which is lovely. When your friends are all Christians, you've got the support. Afterwards, an elderly lady said to me, ' I expect you feel good now.' And I remember being a bit embarrassed and saying, 'I feel clean'. It sounded a silly thing to say. But I just felt totally clean- as if everything had been wiped out. That cleanness right inside was a splendid feeling." |
The Masai tribe of Africa use this prayer at Baptism: |
' Thank you Father for your free gift of fire. Bless this fire today. With your power enter into it. Make this fire a worthy thing. Let it become a reminder of your love. A reminder of love without end. Make the life of these people to be baptised like this fire- a thing that shines for the sake of the people. A thing that shines for your sake. Father, heed this sweet-smelling smoke. Make their life also sweet-smelling. A thing sweet-smelling that rises to God. A holy thing. A thing fitting for you.' |
Either in your book or by opening a Word document and typing, write in as much detail as you can comparing the similarities and differences between Infant Baptism and Adult or Believer's Baptism. Which, in your opinion, is the 'right' one? Why do you think so? What do you think the Baptist meant when she said ' I felt totally clean?' |